Interested in my courses or me as an instructor? Please email me for my teaching philosophy, reviews, and materials.
I’m a former Future Academic Scholars in Teaching (FAST) Fellow. Read more about the program and our education research.
I’ve also had the honor of being selected as a University System of Georgia Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) fellow.

Courses at the Georgia Institute of Technology
- BIOS 1107 (formerly BIOL 1510): Biological Principles (Course Instructor)
- This course serves as an introduction to the basic principles of modern biology, including biomacromolecules, bioenergetics, cell structure, genetics, homeostasis, evolution, and ecological relationships. Students are assessed through Learning Catalytics activities in and out of class, a video presentation on primary literature, and a series of exams.
- BIOS 1108 (Non-Majors)/1208 (Majors) (Formerly BIOL 1520/1521): Organismal Biology (Course Co-Instructor)
- This course provides an introduction to biology at the organ and organismal levels, with an emphasis on physiological processes and integration of growth and development. This course will foster the development of scientific skills including hypothesis testing, experimental design, data analysis and interpretation, and scientific communication. Students are assessed through Learning Catalytics activities in and out of class, presentations on primary literature, and a series of exams.
- BIOS 2300 (formerly BIOL 2335): General Ecology Lecture (Course Co-Instructor)
- Introductory course to ecological processes at individual, population, and community levels that occur in plant, animal, and microbial taxa, and their relevance to current environmental problems. Students are assessed through Learning Catalytics activities in-class, homework assignments, presentations on a key topic, and a series of exams.
- BIOS 2301 (formerly BIOL 2336): General Ecology Lab (Lab Director)
- The companion laboratory for BIOL 2335 (Ecology). This course stresses understanding ecological concepts through a combination of lab and field experiments, and computer simulations. Students are assessed through several laboratory writing exercises, quizzes, and group presentations. Check out this video of our fieldwork
- BIOS 2694/2695/4694/4695: Undergraduate Internship (Program Director)
- The purpose of this course is to provide the student with authentic job-related experiences in a biological or biologically-related organization. This experience should expose the student to research and/or application of biological knowledge in a life sciences profession. Students are evaluated partially through a series of reports submitted to Georgia Tech, as well as input from their internship employers.
- BIOS 4401: Experimental Design and Biostatistics (Course Instructor)
- Introductory active-learning based lecture course covering probability distributions and statistical testing using techniques commonly applied in biology research (methodologically and in the statistical programming language R). In-class activities are split between short lectures, which introduce general concepts and outline formal steps for solving statistical problems, and independent and small-group exercises. Course assignments focus on developing metacognitive and intuitive ideas around biological experiments, rather than calculations alone.
- BIOS 4471 (formerly BIOL 4471): Behavioral Biology (Course Instructor)
- This course provides an introduction to the study of the principles of behavior of all kinds of organisms, from microbes to mammals. This course heavily emphasizes experimental design and data representation. Students are assessed through outside of class Learning Catalytics activities and exams, essays reviewing primary literature, and the design of a semester-long experiment. Taught face-to-face and completely online.
- BIOL 4590: Project Lab (Course Co-Instructor)
- This capstone course represents the culmination of the student experience in the biology program at Georgia Tech. Students in the course are assessed on and gain experience in designing, implementing, and communicating a biology research project, and practical training in modern approaches for biological research.
- BIOL 4697/CETL2000/CETL8000: TA Preparation (Course Co-Instructor)
- These courses are for undergraduate and graduate students conducting teaching assistantships within the School of Biological Sciences. The course provides an introduction to teaching biology, with a focus on effective teaching active engagement of students, and the development of innovative classroom activities. Students are assessed through outside of class reflective assignments, lesson plans, and a learning portfolio.
- BIOL 4803/BIOL8803/EAS4813/EAS8813: Extreme Atlanta: Climate Change in Urban Spaces (Course Co-Instructor)
- In this unique project-based, interdisciplinary course, students confront local problems in the greater Atlanta, GA region tied to global climate change. Students investigate local impacts in the context of atmospheric, hydrological and land processes on the city, including a detailed look at the biological impacts to organisms in this region (including humans)! Through 3 module projects and a final term project, students will learn about the consequences of climate change in the region and brainstorm adaptation and mitigation strategies to help combat and prevent such negative consequences.
- VIP 2601/2602/3601/3602/4601/4602/6600/6603: Living Building Science (Course Co-Instructor)
- In this Vertically-Integrated Project, students conduct research to evaluate the impact of the Kendeda Building for Innovative Sustainable Design. We focus specifically on the non-human living and nonliving environment using sustainable scientific methods. We monitor water and air quality, biodiversity, solar panel effectiveness, and soils, among other fun things!
- VIP 2601/2602/3601/3602/4601/4602/6600/6603: Getting to Know U (Course Co-Instructor)
- In this Vertically-Integrated Project, students leverage university data and external data sources to gain insight and inform decisions. Students start by discovering, curating, cleaning, and merging data sources in response to articulated needs at the Institute, and then use a variety of technologies and platforms to develop reports, dashboards, visualizations, graphs, and analytics to empower the GT community to take actions based on data.
- CETL 8718: Tech-to-Teaching Capstone (Course Instructor)
- This course marks the climax of the Tech-to-Teaching program for graduate students and post-docs interested in teaching as part of their career. Course activities include preparing for and receiving feedback on observed teaching experiences as a part of real GT courses; readings based on pedagogical principles and techniques, as well as education research; and engagement with teaching as a career through faculty interviews and the preparation of teaching-related materials (e.g. philosophies) that can be used when applying for and in careers with a strong teaching component.
Courses at Spelman College
- BIO 325: Evolution-in-Action (Course Co-Instructor)
- This course explores the importance of concepts in evolutionary biology to human welfare through selected case studies. Students will gain an understanding of the relevance of evolutionary biology in medicine, industry, agriculture, and environmental sciences. Students are assessed through a variety of assessments which include case study questions and experimental design, exams and quizzes, in-class writing prompts, and arts-based projects.
- BIO 365: Animal Behavior (Course Instructor)
- This course introduces students to the field of animal behavior. Case studies are used to learn how the evolution and ecology of animal behavior is studied, while the state of current knowledge of important topics in animal behavior including sexual selection, cooperation, and parental care is presented. By focusing on how scientists study animal behavior, students continue developing the ability to think as a scientist.
Courses at Michigan State University
- ISB208L: Integrative Studies in Biological Science (Laboratory Instructor)
- Non-majors course that explores fundamental concepts in biology, particularly as they apply to a range of local- and global-scale contemporary issues. Activities include original investigations, data collection and analyses, creative problem-solving, and evaluation of information in the media.
- ZOL890 (Graduate): Evolutionary Biology for Non-Life Scientists (Co-Instructor)
- Graduate course co-taught at MSU and over teleconferencing software at the University of Idaho. Course is structured in three modules: 1. Genotype to Phenotype, 2. Mechanisms of Evolutionary Change: Change Within Populations, and 3. The Consequences of Evolutionary Change. Course contains several group projects as well as peer review and science writing for general audiences. *Won the 2014 AT&T-MSU Faculty Staff Award Competition in Instructional Technology, Best Technology-Enhanced Learning Innovation Award*
- ZOL341 (Online): Fundamental Genetics (Graduate TA and Remote Testing Coordinator)
- Principles of heredity in animals, plants and microorganisms. Classical and molecular methods in the study of gene structure, transmission, expression and evolution.
- ISB202: Foundations of Science (Graduate Fellow)
- Massively-open online course (MOOC) open to the public for learning how to see, speak, act, and think like a scientist. Funded by a grant through the Gates Foundation. Covers Physics, Chemistry, Psychology, Geology, and Biology. Thousands of students. Watch a video about the course on Youtube! *Won the 2014 AT&T-MSU Faculty Staff Award Competition in Instructional Technology, Best Online Course Award*
- ZOL415: Ecological Aspects of Animal Behavior (Graduate TA and Discussion Section Leader)
- Advanced topics in the ecology and evolution of animal behavior, including foraging, predator-prey dynamics, mating, and parental care. Combined course of lecture and 2 literature-based, student-led discussion sections critically assessing primary literature research design and theoretical frameworks.
- CSE891 (Graduate): Multidisciplinary Approaches to the Study of Evolution (Graduate TA)
- Interdisciplinary course between computer science, engineering, and natural sciences on research methods used in evolution.
- BioSci162: Organisms and Populations (Graduate TA)
- Covers the basic principles of genetics, evolution, and population dynamics critical to understanding organisms and populations.
- BioSci172: Organismal Biology Laboratory (Laboratory Instructor & Curriculum Development)
- Genetics, fundamental statistics, and biological variation units, using both in natural and digital organisms. Designed a 5-week unit on Animal Behavior (Courtship and Aggression in Crickets) specific to my sections.
Teaching Experience while an Undergraduate at Georgia Tech
- Introductory Genetics (School of Biology Student Assistant/Grading TA)
- Fundamental Genetics course. Tutoring and grading of exams/quizzes for a course of approximately 40 students.
- GT1000 Freshman Introductory Course: Biology Major Section, Team Leader (~TA)
- Introductory course to the biology program at Georgia Tech. Classes are subdivided into groups of 10-15 first-year students.
German and ESOL Teaching Experience
- American Council for the Teaching of Foreign Languages
- German Teaching Certification
- C-Trains Cultural Connections (Munich, Germany): Crash Course English (TA)
- Preparing adult students for English entrance exams to return for their bachelor’s and/or master’s degrees