Presentations & Publications

You may not know this, but university scientists do not receive payment for publications. Rather, we make publications possible through carefully reviewing others’ work (for free!) and paying (a lot!) to publish our own. As this lab believes in science for all, we make our articles freely accessible by sharing our work here. If for some reason you cannot access a work below, please just contact me. Information is power. Let us empower you.
Peer-Reviewed Publications
*Indicates Undergraduate Co-Author
- Schulz, A. K. ŧ, Shriver, C. ŧ, Stathatos, S. ŧ, Seleb, B. ŧ, Weigel, E., Chang, Y.-H., Saad Bhamla, M., Hu, D. L., & Mendelson, J. R. (2023). Conservation tools: The next generation of engineering–biology collaborations. Journal of The Royal Society Interface, 20(205), 20230232. ŧ = denotes co-first-authorship
- Weigel, E. (2023) Using Evidence-Based Practices in Courses About Evidence. Invited Chapter in Putting It All Together: Creating and Scaling Exceptional Learning Within the Disciplines. Editors: Jeffery W. Galle and Jo K. Galle. Rowman and Littlefield (Higher Education division).
- Pardo-Sanchez, J.*, Taylor, A., Weigel, E., and Mendelson, J.R. (2023). A study of individual differences in spatial use in captive sidewinder rattlesnakes Crotalus cerastes. The Herpetological Bulletin. 164:13-17.
- Weigel, E. and Angra, A. (2023). Teaching in Tandem: Using graphs in an active-learning classroom to shape students’ understanding of biology concepts. Journal of College Science Teaching. 52 (4).
- Schulz, A.K. ŧ, Shriver, C. ŧ, Aubuchon, C., Weigel, E., Kolar, M., Mendelson III, J.R., Hu, D. L. (2022). A Guide for Successful Research Collaborations between Zoos and Universities. Integrative and Comparative Biology. icac096.* ŧ = denotes co-first-authorship
- An, S. , Weigel, E., and Goel, A. (2022). Exploring the effects of guidance in ill-defined learning environment. Conference Paper. International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS2022).
- Caughman, A.* and Weigel, E. (2022). Biology students’ attitudes towards math and CS closely linked. CBE Life Science Education. 21(3), ar43.
- Reid, J. and Weigel, E. (2022). Examining Perspectives of Teaching among Biology Teaching Assistants. Journal of College Science Teaching. 51(3): 67-77.
- Pardo-Sanchez, J.*, and Weigel, E. (2021) Performance, Prediction, and Preparedness: Do Biology- Major-Specific Courses Provide an Advantage? Conference Paper. National Association of Biology Teachers Biology Education Symposium.
- Naab, S.* and Weigel, E. (2021). A Birds-Eye View of Using Drones in the Classroom. The American Biology Teacher. 83 (6): 407–410.
- Bates, A. E., Primack, R. B., PAN-Environment Working Group, and Duarte, C. M. (2021). Global COVID-19 lockdown highlights humans as both threats and custodians of the environment. Biological Conservation. 263: 109175.
- An, S ., Rugaber, S., Weigel, E., and Goel, A. (2021). Cognitive Strategies for Parameter Estimation in Model Exploration. Conference Paper. 43rd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society.
- An, S. , Broniec, W., Rugaber, S., Weigel, E., Hammock, J., and Goel, A. (2021). Recognizing Novice Learner’s Modeling Behaviors. Conference Paper. 19th Annual International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS2021).
- Cooper, T.*, Zabinski, C.*, Adams, E.*, Berry, S.*, Pardo-Sanchez, J.*, Reinhardt, E.*, Roberts, K.*, Watzek, J., Brosnan, S., Hill, R., Weigel, E., and Mendelson III, J. R. (2020). Long-term memory of a complex foraging task in monitor lizards (Reptilia: Squamata: Varanidae). Journal of Herpetology. 54 (3): 378–383.
- Pruett, J. and Weigel, E. (2020) Concept map assessment reveals short-term community-engaged fieldwork enhances sustainability knowledge. CBE Life Science Education. 19(3): ar38.
- An, S., Bates, R., Hammock, J., Rugaber, S., Weigel, E., and Goel, A. (2020). Scientific Modeling Using Large Scale Knowledge. International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED 2020).
- Weigel, E., Mead, L., & McElhinny, T. (2020) Student learning across course instruction in Genetics and Evolution. Evolution in Action: Past, Present, and Future. (pp. 513-534). Springer, Cham.
- Mobley, R., Weigel, E., and Boughman, J. (2020) Does humic acid alter visually and chemically guided foraging in stickleback fish?. Animal Cognition. 1-8.
- Breitbart, S.T.*, and Weigel, E. (2019). Visualizing a Disease Outbreak Using ESRI Story Maps. Teaching Issues and Experiments in Ecology, 15: 1.
- Hill, R. L., Huskisson, S. M., Weigel, E., and Mendelson III, J. R. (2019). Growth rates of juvenile Boa constrictor under two feeding regimes. Zoo Biology, 38 (2): 209-213.
- Angra, A., Weigel, E., and Onstine, A. (2018). Claw Waving for Sex: An Inquiry-Based Lab to Teach Sexual Dimorphism and Behavior in Fiddler Crabs. Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education. 19(2): 19.2.72.
- Boughman, J.W., Keagy, J. and Weigel, E. (2017). Sexual Selection and Speciation. In: Oxford Bibliographies in Evolutionary Biology (J. Losos, ed.). Oxford University Press, New York.
- Taylor, A. and Weigel, E. (2016). Get Students Connected with Scientists in Real-Time Inside or Outside of the Classroom Using Twitter. The American Biology Teacher 78 (7): 599–602.
- Weigel, E., Tinghitella, R. M., and Boughman, J.W. (2015). No evidence for adjustment of maternal investment under alternative mate availability regimes. Journal of Fish Biology 78 (7): 599–602.
- Weigel, E., Testa, N.D., Peer, A. and Garnett, S.C. (2015). Context matters: sexual signaling loss in digital organisms. Ecology and Evolution 5(17): 3725–3736.
- Weigel, E. (2015). Modern Graduate Student Mentors: Evidenced-Based Best Practices and Special Considerations for Mentoring Undergraduates in Ecology and Evolution. Ideas in Ecology and Evolution 8: 14–25.
- Weigel, E., DeNieu, M., and Gall, A.J. (2014). Oh, Behave! Behavior as an interaction between genes and the environment. The American Biology Teacher 76(7): 460–465. Please email me if you’d like a copy of the slides highlighting this lesson!
- Tran, M.V., Weigel, E., and Richmond, G. (2014). Analyzing Upper Level Undergraduate Knowledge of Evolutionary Processes: Can Class Discussions Help? Journal of College Science Teaching 43(5): 80–90.
- Tinghitella, R.M., Weigel, E., Head, M., and Boughman, J.W. (2013). Flexible mate choice when mates are rare and time is short. Ecology and Evolution 3 (9): 2820–2831.
- Zielke, H., Adamzyk, C., Berens, M., Conrad, R., Gerringer, M., Oellers, J., Ottermanns, R., Rehage, N., Schneider, A.J., Simon, A., Spira, D., Weigel, E., Ahlf, W., Feiler U., Seiler, T.-B., and Hollert, H. A question of timing – Time-dependence of results in three sediment contact test systems using fish embryos, bacteria and nematodes. Doctoral Dissertation. Chapter 3, pages 45–73. Read the chapter within Hanno Zielke’s Thesis here. Read an interview of my experience by the Georgia Tech Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) (see p. 6).
- Weigel, E. (2008). Rotifer Ecotoxicology: Behavioral Avoidance of Toxicants. Honors Thesis. Georgia Tech ePublications. Faculty Advisor: Dr. Terry Snell, Second Reader: Dr. Julia Kubanek
Other Publications and Creative Products
- Altman-Kurosaki, N. T., Brown, E. R., Roney, S. H., Weigel, E. (2022). Tree Biomass and Phenology. QUBES Educational Resources. doi:10.25334/M232-RY51
- Weigel, E. (2022) Chapter 2, in Haha How-to: Making the comedy of (studying) life come alive. Teach Biology With a Sense of Humor: Why (and How to) Be a Funnier and More Effective Biology Teacher and Laugh All the Way to Your Classroom. The Curious Academic Publishing ASIN : B09KQ95LVY
- Peña-Gonzalez, A. and Weigel, E. (2021). The Human Microbiome Biodiversity in Health and Disease. QUBES Educational Resources. doi:10.25334/C094-BX29
- Caughman, A. and Weigel, E. (2021). Investigating human impacts on Southeastern US stream ecology using R. QUBES Educational Resources. doi:10.25334/P995-7G91
- Weigel, E. (2020). Investigating human impacts on stream ecology: Scaling up from Local to National with a focus on the Southeast. ESA Data Access – Inclusive Pedagogy, QUBES Educational Resources. doi:10.25334/66FP-9M34
- Weigel, E. and Lackey, A.C.R. (2020). Basic Statistics. Make Teaching with R in Undergraduate Biology Less Excruciating, QUBES Educational Resources. doi:10.25334/N0T7-DD80
- Lauer, D. and Weigel, E. (2020). Island Biogeography. Make Teaching with R in Undergraduate Biology Less Excruciating, QUBES Educational Resources. doi:10.25334/ABY7-GQ05
- Kho, M. and Weigel, E. (2020). R Subsetting Tutorial. Make Teaching with R in Undergraduate Biology Less Excruciating, QUBES Educational Resources. doi:10.25334/GZCA-S726
- McWhirt, M.E., and Weigel, E. (2019). Population Ecology in Swirl: Estimating Population Sizes. Make Teaching with R in Undergraduate Biology Less Excruciating, QUBES Educational Resources. doi:10.25334/W5TS-HR94
- McWhirt, M.E., and Weigel, E. (2019). Optimal Foraging in Swirl. Make Teaching with R in Undergraduate Biology Less Excruciating, QUBES Educational Resources. doi:10.25334/38NY-HP77
- Weigel, E. (2019). Population Demography in Swirl. Make Teaching with R in Undergraduate Biology Less Excruciating, QUBES Educational Resources. doi:10.25334/Q4XN08
- Weigel, E., Osborne-Jelks, N., and Yow, R. (2018). Citizen scientists gathering information to inform policy decisions in West Atlanta. Saporta Report. (5/13/18)
- Weigel, E. (2014). Discussing evolution is fruitful: Or, Why I don’t shut up about evolution. Blog of BEACON: An NSF Center for the Study of Evolution in Action.
- Weigel, E. (2014). Mock Interviews are Nothing to Mock Blog of BEACON: An NSF Center for the Study of Evolution in Action.
- Weigel, E. (2013). Beacon Buzz. Bi-Monthly Newsletter of BEACON: An NSF Center for the Study of Evolution in Action. March 2013 May 2013 Summer 2013 October 2013 December 2013
- Weigel, E. (2012). Maternal Effects BEACON: Evolution 101. Blog of BEACON: An NSF Center for the Study of Evolution in Action.
- Tameesh, F.* and Weigel, E. (2012). Adaptive Dynamics Models and Game Theory BEACON: Evolution 101. Blog of BEACON: An NSF Center for the Study of Evolution in Action. *Undergraduate Co-Author
- Weigel, E. (2011). The “Mating” Game. BEACON Researchers at Work. Blog of BEACON: An NSF Center for the Study of Evolution in Action.
Coverage: Read Carnival of Evolution #38 for more coverage - Weigel, E. (2009). A Night with Dan Gordon. November 2009 Issue. The HyPe: Georgia Tech Honors Program News.
- Weigel, E. (2008). It’s Not About The Money. September 2008 Issue. The HyPe: Georgia Tech Honors Program News.
Editorial Work
- The American Biology Teacher
- The Tower, vols. 1 & 2
*Indicates Undergraduate Co-Author
- Weigel, E. (2023). Maximizing Quantitative Skills: A Curricular Approach To Gain Without The Pain. Poster Presentation National Association of Biology Teachers (NABT) Annual Meeting. Baltimore, MD. 11/2-5/23.
- Lefton, L., Weigel, E., Contis, D. and Goodman, A. Getting to Know U: Student-Powered Exploration of University Data. Oral presentation. Atlanta, GA. 10/23-25/23.*
- Weigel, E., Rice, S., and Hamid, B. (2023). Enhancing STEM Students’ Quantitative Skills through Iterative Problem-Solving Practice: A Two-Stage Approach. Oral Presentation. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Summit. Kennesaw State University. Kennesaw, GA. 9/21-22/23.
- Weigel, E. (2023). AI for Educational Implications & Opportunities. Oral Presentation. Georgia Tech Leadership Meeting. Atlanta, GA. 8/16/23.
- Sollberger, D. and Weigel, E. (2023). Engaging with course videos: What parameters about the student, course, and timing affect engagement? Poster Presentation. University of California- Merced Applied Math Retreat. Merced, California. 8/16/23.
- Weigel, E. (2023). Greater than the sum of its parts: How students talk about math and computer science in biological contexts reveals nuances not captured in traditional surveys. Poster Presentation. Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research (SABER) National Meeting. University of Minnesota – Twin Cities, Minnesota. 7/20-23/23.
- Sollberger, D. and Weigel, E. (2023). Engaging with course videos: What parameters about the student, course, and timing affect engagement? Poster Presentation. Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research (SABER) National Meeting. University of Minnesota – Twin Cities, Minnesota. 7/20-23/23.
- Weigel, E. and Reid, J. (2023). How do TA Teaching Perspectives influence how TAs define teaching, learning, and the role of grading in teaching and learning science? Poster Presentation. Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research (SABER) National Meeting. University of Minnesota – Twin Cities, Minnesota. 7/20-23/23.
- Sollberger, D. and Weigel, E. (2023). Engaging with course videos: What parameters about the student, course, and timing affect engagement? Poster Presentation. Biology and Mathematics Educators (BIOME) Institute 2023. Online. 7/13/23.
- Sollberger, D. and Weigel, E. (2023). Do Student Values and Course Content Determine Student Success in a Flipped Course? Oral Presentation. Central Valley Region Interdisciplinary Symposium on Education Research (CV-RISER). Fresno State University. Fresno, California. 6/22-24/23.
- Weigel, E. (2023). Sustainability Next: Taking a Sustainable Open-Educational Resource and SDG-ing it! Oral Presentation. Undergraduate Sustainability Education Jamboree. Atlanta, GA. 4/26/23.
- Grantham, M.G., Diab, L.*, Leavey, J., Kimpling, A.*, Weigel, E., Sitta, S.*, Place, S., Morris, M.*, and Ryan, S.* (2023). A Greener Grey: “Ironing” Out Issues in Greywater Systems. Oral Presentation. The Kendeda Micro-Grants Research Symposium. Atlanta, GA. 4/13/23.
- Weigel, E. (2023). Learn R, in R: Crash-course in Coding for Quantitative Reasoning into the Biology Classroom. Oral Presentation. National Science Teachers Association Conference. Atlanta, GA. 3/22-25/23.
- Sollberger, D. and Weigel, E. (2023). Unpacking the black box: How do student values, behavior, and course content interact to determine student success in a flipped course? Oral Presentation. X-DBER 2023. University of Nebraska-Lincoln (Online). 3/3-5/23.
- Moore, M.E., J.D. Marcette, G.S. McDowell, and Weigel, E.G. (2022). Reflecting On Who’s Coming To Dinner: Broadening Participation vs. Inclusion In Biology Education. National Association of Biology Teachers (NABT) Annual Meeting. Indianapolis, IN. 11/10-13/22.
- Weigel, E., Kistenberg, E., and Niepoky, M. (2022). Be there to Belong: Sense of Belonging in Major-Restricted and All-Majors Sections of Introductory Science Courses. Oral Presentation. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Summit. Kennesaw State University. Kennesaw, GA. 10/6-7/22.
- Weigel, E. and Niepoky, M. (2022). Investigating Belongingness and Breakouts in Online Introductory Biology Courses. Poster Presentation. Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research (SABER) National Meeting. University of Minnesota – Twin Cities, Minnesota. 7/7-10/22.
- Aikens, M. and Weigel, E. (2022). Once is Not Enough: Biology Students’ Values for Math in Biological Contexts Shows Little Improvement After One Semester of a Life Science Course that Integrates Quantitative Material. Poster Presentation. Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research (SABER) National Meeting. University of Minnesota – Twin Cities, Minnesota. 7/7-10/22.
- Erdmann, R, Weigel, E., Furrow, R., Ledford, J., Caporale, N., Ahuja, A., Metzger, K., and Booth, C. (2022). Learning communities dedicated to the usage of R in postsecondary biology instruction and education research. Poster Presentation. Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research (SABER) National Meeting. University of Minnesota – Twin Cities, Minnesota. 7/7-10/22.
- Weigel, E. and Reid, J. W. (2022). “When Do I Start Feeling Like a Teacher?”: How TA Teaching Perspectives and Identity Influence Their Teaching and Learning Views. Poster Presentation. University System of Georgia Teaching and Learning Conference. Online. 4/1/22.
- Weigel, E. (2022). Developing Statistical Reasoning Through Instruction with Graphs. Oral Presentation. Teaching and Learning Conference: Lighting the Way for Deeper Learning. University of Tennessee, Knoxville (Online due to COVID). 3/29/2022.
- Weigel, E. and Angra, A. (2021). Active Stem Teaching of Graphs Results in Better Stats Knowledge as a Byproduct. Oral Presentation. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Summit. Kennesaw State University. Kennesaw, GA. 10/7-8/21.
- Weigel, E. (2021). The Low-down on Lockdown: How our behavior during Covid has shaped wild animals. Invited Talk. Serenbe Institute for Art, Culture, and the Environment. Atlanta, Georgia (Online due to COVID). 10/2/21.
- Weigel, E. (2021). Effects of classroom space on student attitudes and knowledge of sustainability. Poster Presentation. Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research (SABER) National Meeting. University of Minnesota – Twin Cities, Minnesota (Online due to COVID). 7/9;16;23;30/21.
- Weigel, E. (2021). Who calls Georgia Tech home? Wildlife on Campus. Invited Talk. Tech-UGA Urban Naturalist Certificate program. Atlanta, GA. 5/15/21.
- Brown, J.*, Pardo-Sanchez, J.* and Weigel, E. (2021). Effects of Anxiety and Test-Taking Strategies on Exam Differences Between Biology and Non-Biology Majors. Poster Presentation. National Conference of Undergraduate Research (NCUR). Online due to COVID. 4/12-14/2021.
- Caughman, A.* and Weigel, E. (2021). Biology students attitudes towards math and CS closely linked, with some important exceptions. Poster Presentation. Teaching and Learning Conference: Lighting the Way for Deeper Learning. University of Tennessee, Knoxville (Online due to COVID). 3/30/2021.
- Weigel, E. and Reid, J. W. (2021). Examining Perspectives of Teaching among Biology Teaching Assistants. Poster Presentation. Celebrate Teaching Day. Georgia Tech. Atlanta, Georgia. 3/7/21.
- Caughman, A.* and Weigel, E. (2021). Biology Student Attitudes toward Math and CS Closely Linked. X-DBER 2021. University of Nebraska-Lincoln (Online due to COVID). 3/1-3/2021.
- Weigel, E. (2020). COVID-19 and Animal Behavior. Oral Presentation. University of Georgia Veterinary School Animal Behavior Club. Athens, Georgia (Online due to COVID).12/9/20.
- Caporale, N., Martinez, L., Weigel, E., McClenny, A., Hike, N., Tenneal, R., Hibler, T., and Moore, M. How To Teach Inclusively: Tips, Tricks, and Evidence for Your Biology Course. Oral Presentation. National Association of Biology Teachers (NABT) Annual Meeting. Baltimore, MD (Online due to COVID). 11/6-7/20.
- Reid, J. W., and Weigel, E. (2020). What Do TA Teaching Perspectives Say About Their Views of Teaching and Learning? Oral Presentation. Biology Teaching Assistant Project Virtual Conference. 10/26/20.
- Weigel, E. (2020). The Journey of a Biologist: Meet Dr. Weigel. Tri-Beta Kick-Off Meeting. Oral Presentation. Georgia Tech. Atlanta, Georgia (Online due to COVID). 9/17/20.
- Weigel, E. (2020). Concept Map Assessment Reveals Short-Term Community-Engaged Fieldwork Enhances Sustainability Knowledge. Oral Presentation. Pedagogy Education Research Club (PERC) Seminar Series. Georgia State University. Atlanta, Georgia (Online due to COVID). 9/14/20.
- Weigel, E. (2020). Do you see what I see? Teaching and Assessing with Visuals. Keynote Presentation. BEACON: An NSF Center for the Study of Evolution in Action Annual Congress. East Lansing, Michigan (Online due to COVID. 8/12-14/20.
- Weigel, E., Chen, M.*, and Arnold, N.* (2020) Unpacking the black box: How do student values, behavior, and course content interact to determine student success in a flipped course? Poster Presentation. Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research (SABER) National Meeting. University of Minnesota – Twin Cities, Minnesota (Online due to COVID). 7/10;17;24;31/20.
- Weigel, E. (2020). Flipping Black Boxes!: Does student engagement depend on individual expectancy value? Poster Presentation. Celebrate Teaching Day. Georgia Tech. Atlanta, Georgia. 3/10/20.
- Handlos, Z. and Weigel, E. (2020). Extreme Atlanta: Using Project-Based Learning to Enhance Student Scientific Abilities within the Context of an Interdisciplinary Climate Change/Urbanization Course. Poster Presentation. Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society. Boston, Massachusetts. 1/12-16/20.
- Cowles, E. A., Kurth, C., Milks, K., Phillipson-Mower, T., and Weigel, E. (2019). Thirty Lessons, Demos, and Labs to Teach about Environmental Change. Oral Presentation. National Association of Biology Teachers (NABT) Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL. 11/14-16/19.
- Weigel, E. (2019). Learn R, in R: Crash-course in using Swirl for an Easy Guide to Crunching Numbers. Oral Presentation. National Association of Biology Teachers (NABT) Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL. 11/14-16/19.
- Pruett, J. and Weigel, E. (2019). Community-engaged fieldwork increases sustainability knowledge breadth, depth, & complexity. Oral Presentation. International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSOTL) Annual Meeting. Atlanta, Georgia. 10/9-12/19.
- An, S., Bates, R., Hammock, J., Rugaber, S., Weigel, E., and Goel, A. (2019). Cognitive Assistance for Inquiry-based Modeling. Poster Presentation. Advances in Cognitive Systems. Cambridge, Massachusetts. 8/2-5/19.
- Weigel, E. and O’Sullivan, T. (2019) Is struggle necessary?: Exposure to R statistical programming and the effect on associated quantitative skills and values in biology. Oral Presentation. Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research (SABER) National Meeting. University of Minnesota – Twin Cities, Minnesota. 7/26-28/19.
- An, S., Bates, R., Hammock, J., Rugaber, S., Weigel, E., and Goel, A. (2019). Learning by doing: Supporting experimentation in inquiry-based modeling. Poster Presentation. Cognitive Science 2019. Montreal, Canada. 7/24-27/19.
- Pardo, J.*, Taylor, A.*, Dallas, H., Weigel, E. and Mendelson II, J. (2019). An Ontogeny of Spatial Use in Sidewinders. Oral Presentation. Biology of Pitvipers Conference. Rodeo, New Mexico. 7/11-14/19.
- Goel, A., An, S., Bates, R., Hammock, J., Rugaber, S., and Weigel, E. (2019). VERA Goes to College: Inquiry‐Based Modeling for Learning about Ecology in College‐Level Biology. Oral Presentation. Machine Learning in Science and Engineering 2019. Atlanta, Georgia. 6/10/19.
- Clopton, S. and Weigel, E. (2019) “The Use of UAVs as Tools to Enhance the Study of the Ecological Impacts of Sustainable Development. Oral Presentation. Associated Schools of Construction 55th Annual International Conference. Denver, Colorado. 4/10-13/19.
- Baykina, M., Massey, A., Metzler, M., Ruiz-Funes, M., and Weigel, E. (2019). SoTL Research Projects from the USG SoTL Fellows. Oral Presentation. University System of Georgia Teaching and Learning Conference. Athens, Georgia. 4/11/19.
- Angra, A. and Weigel, E. (2019). Teaching Graphing Skills in an Animal Behavior Lecture Classroom. Oral Presentation. University System of Georgia Teaching and Learning Conference. Athens, Georgia. 4/10/19.
- Mosley, C.*, Johnson, T., and Weigel, E. (2019). Determining Aquatic Biodiversity and Stream Health of the Proctor Creek Watershed Using eDNA Technology. Poster Presentation. AAS Water Science Poster Session at Confluence 2019. Helen, Georgia. 3/22-24/19.
- Weigel, E. (2019). Exposure to guided tutorials in statistical programming in R and associated quantitative skills in biology. Oral Presentation. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Commons Conference. Savannah, Georgia. 1/21/19.
- Weigel, E. and Dagenhart, R. (2018). Collaboration across Ecology and Architecture courses for deeper student understanding of the built environment. Oral Presentation. SLS Faculty Showcase. Atlanta, Georgia. 12/6/18.
- Weigel, E. (2018). Ecology Education and VERA- Results of a Pilot Study. Oral Presentation. BESPOKES: Big Data in Ecology Meeting. University of North Texas. Dallas, Texas. 12/3/18.
- Weigel, E. (2018). Making Georgia Tech’s Family Friendly Policies Visible. Poster Presentation. Georgia Tech. Atlanta, Georgia. 11/13/18.
- Weigel, E. (2018). Ecological Change: Who calls campus home? Oral Presentation. National Association of Biology Teacher’s Planet Power Sustainability Symposium. San Diego, California. 11/10/18.
- Pardo-Sanchez, J.* and Weigel, E. (2018) Performance, Prediction, and Preparedness: Do Biology-Major Specific Courses Provide an Advantage? Poster Presentation. National Association of Biology Teachers Annual Meeting. San Diego, California. 11/8-11/18.
- Mosley, C.*, Johnson, T., and Weigel, E. (2018). Determining Aquatic Biodiversity and Stream Health of the Proctor Creek Watershed Using eDNA Technology. Poster Presentation. Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS). Indianapolis, Indiana. 11/14-17/18. ***Best Poster Presentation Winner***
- Weigel, E. (2018). Making Georgia Tech’s Family Friendly Policies Visible. Oral Presentation. Georgia Tech. Atlanta, Georgia. 11/13/18.
- Mosley, C.*, Johnson, T., and Weigel, E. (2018). Determining Aquatic Biodiversity and Stream Health of the Proctor Creek Watershed Using eDNA Technology. Oral Presentation. Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS). San Antonio, Texas. 10/11-13/18.
- Weigel, E. (2018). Meet Dr. Weigel. Tri-Beta Kick-Off Meeting. Oral Presentation. Georgia Tech. Atlanta, Georgia. 8/27/18.
- Weigel, E. and Angra, A. (2018) Using Graphing Materials to Improve Undergraduate Biology Students’ Graph Choice, Construction, and Interpretation in an Upper-Division Animal Behavior Lecture Course. Poster Presentation. Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research (SABER) National Meeting. University of Minnesota – Twin Cities, Minnesota. 7/27-29/18.
- Lee, M., Stephens-Cooley, M., Weigel, E. and Conn, C. (2018). Enhancing the Postdoctoral Experience through Liberal Arts Colleges. Oral Presentation. Council of Undergraduate Research Annual Meeting. Washington, D.C. 7/1-3/18.
- Weigel, E. (2018). Collaboration across Ecology and English courses to document the health and history of a community. Oral Presentation. SLS Faculty Showcase. Atlanta, Georgia. 4/30/18.
- Weigel, E. and Angra, A. (2018) Using Graphing Materials to Improve Undergraduate Biology Students’ Graph Choice, Construction, and Interpretation in an Upper-Division Animal Behavior Lecture Course. Poster Presentation. Celebrate Teaching Day. Georgia Tech. Atlanta, Georgia. 3/8/18.
- Weigel, E. (2018). Nurturing Citizenship and Partnership thru Biology. Oral Presentation. Science and Engineering for Social Good Conference. Atlanta, Georgia. 2/9-11/18.
- Weigel, E. (2017). Modeling in K-16 Ecology Education. Smithsonian Institute BESPOKES: Big Data in Ecology Meeting. Oral Presentation. Washington, D.C. 12/14/17.
- Weigel, E. and Angra, A. (2017) Using Graphing Materials to Improve Undergraduate Biology Students’ Graph Choice, Construction, and Interpretation in an Upper-Division Animal Behavior Lecture Course. Poster Presentation. STEM Education Research Partnering. Georgia Tech, Atlanta, Georgia. 12/5/17.
- Weigel, E. and Angra, A. (2017) Using Graphing Materials to Improve Undergraduate Biology Students’ Graph Choice, Construction, and Interpretation in an Upper-Division Animal Behavior Lecture Course. Poster Presentation. National Association of Biology Teachers Annual Meeting. St. Louis, Missouri. 11/10-13/17.
- Weigel, E. (2017). Urban Ecology and Biodiversity of the Built Environment. Oral Presentation. Sustainable Undergraduate Research Fellows Meeting. Atlanta, Georgia. 9/25/17.
- Weigel, E. (2017). Sustainable Education: Ecology Lab as a Case Study. Oral Presentation. Georgia Tech Serve-Learn-Sustain Luncheon with US Department of Education. Atlanta, Georgia. 9/20/17.
- Darnell, G.* and Weigel, E. (2017) Patterns in Sexual Dimorphism and Mate Choice of Anoles and Geckos: The Exceptions. Oral Presentation. BeeINspired Research Expo. Georgia Tech. Atlanta, Georgia. 7/19/17.
- Dominguez, D.* and Weigel, E. (2017) Database on the sexual characteristics and behaviors in the order Testudines. Oral Presentation. BeeINspired Research Expo. Georgia Tech. Atlanta, Georgia. 7/19/17.
- Weigel, E. (2016). Evolution is Sexy! Oral Presentation. Brookwood High School AP Biology Program. Atlanta, GA. 8/12/16.
- Weigel, E., Kovacs, J.L., and Werren, J.H. (2016). Evolutionary novelty: Horizontal gene transfer in the kissing bug, Rhodnius prolixus. Poster Presentation. Institutional Research and Academic Career Development Awards (IRACDA) Annual Conference. University of Arizona. Tucson, Arizona. 6/12-14/16.
- Weigel, E., Mead, L., and McElhinny, T. (2016) How and why can knowledge of concepts in genetics improve student understanding of concepts in evolution? Poster Presentation. Institutional Research and Academic Career Development Awards (IRACDA) Annual Conference. University of Arizona. Tucson, Arizona. 6/12-14/16.
- Weigel, E. and Boughman, J.W. (2016) Courtship experience and success affect male behavioral, morphological, and extended phenotypes. Oral Presentation. Evolution 2016. Austin Convention Center. Austin, Texas. 6/17-21/16.
- Kovacs, J.L., Weigel, E., Brown, K.*, and Werren, J.H. (2016). Evolutionary and Ecological Impacts of Horizontal Gene Transfer in Arthropods. Oral Presentation. Evolution 2016. Austin Convention Center. Austin, Texas. 6/17-21/16.
- Brown, K.*, Weigel, E., Kovacs, J.L., and Werren, J.H. (2016). Horizontal Gene Transfer in Arthropods. Oral Presentation. Spelman Research Day. Atlanta, Georgia. 4/15/16.
- Michel, B.*, Weigel, E., and Kovacs, J.L (2016). Determining the Difference Between Commercial Honey and Hive Honey. Poster Presentation.Spelman Research Day. Atlanta, Georgia. 4/15/16.
- Mobley, R.B., Foster, S.R.*, Tillotson, M.L.*, Weigel, E., and Boughman, J.W. (2016) Fish Brains on Acid: Stickleback Visual and Olfactory Perception in Response to Altered Humic Environments. Midwestern Ecology and Evolution Conference. Oral Presentation. Miami University. Oxford, Ohio. 3/19-20/16.
- Kovacs, J.L., Weigel, E., Brown, K.*, and Werren, J.H. (2016). Evolutionary and Ecological Impacts of Horizontal Gene Transfer in Arthropods. Oral Presentation.Emerging Researchers National Conference in STEM. Washington, D.C. 2/25-27/16.
- Weigel, E., Kovacs, J.L., and Werren, J.H. (2016). Evolutionary novelty: Horizontal gene transfer in the kissing bug, Rhodnius prolixus. Oral Presentation. The Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology (SICB) Annual Meeting. Portland, Oregon. 1/3-7/16.
- Brown, K.*, Weigel, E., Kovacs, J.L., and Werren, J.H. (2016). Identifying candidate shared horizontally transferred genes in the kissing bug, Rhodnius prolixus. Poster Presentation.The Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology (SICB) Annual Meeting. Portland, Oregon. 1/3-7/16.
- Weigel, E., Kovacs, J.L., and Werren, J.H. (2015). Evolutionary novelty: Horizontal gene transfer in the kissing bug, Rhodnius prolixus. Poster Presentation. The SouthEastern Ecology and Evolutionary Genetics (SEPEEG). Eatonton, Georgia. 10/23-25/15.
- Weigel, E. (2015). Sex and Experience: Does Practice Help? Weekly Seminar of BEACON: An NSF Center for the Study of Evolution in Action. East Lansing, Michigan. 9/18/15.
- Mobley, R.B., Foster, S.R.*, Tillotson, M.L.*, Weigel, E., and Boughman, J.W. (2015) Multisensory Influences of Humic Acid on Threespine Stickleback Behavior. Poster Presentation. BEACON: An NSF Center for the Study of Evolution in Action Annual Congress. East Lansing, Michigan. 8/15-18/15.
- Weigel, E. and Boughman, J.W. (2015) Short-term shifts in demography can have lasting consequences on extended phenotypes. Oral Presentation. BEACON: An NSF Center for the Study of Evolution in Action Annual Congress. East Lansing, Michigan. 8/15-18/15.
- Weigel, E. and Taylor, A. (2015) #SciStuChat. Poster Presentation. ComSciCon, Microsoft New England Research and Development Center. Cambridge, Massachusetts. 6/18-20/15.
- Weigel, E. and Boughman, J.W. (2015) Doing the right thing, the right amount: Male investment and reproductive success in the threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus). Oral Presentation. Southeastern Ecology and Evolution Conference. University of Georgia. Athens, Georgia. 3/13-15/15.
- Weigel, E. (2015) Hot or not? Just Try Science Research Presentation for TEDxMSU. Oral Presentation. East Lansing, Michigan. 3/4/15.
- Weigel, E. (2014) Oh, Behave! Behavior as an interaction between genes and the environment. Oral Presentation. BEACON/NESCent Evolution Teacher Workshop – “Evolution in Action” for the 2014 Professional Development Conference of the National Association of Biology Teachers. Cleveland, Ohio. 11/15/14.
- Weigel, E. (2014). Investment in Reproduction. ZOL 415: Ecological Aspects of Animal Behavior, MSU. Oral Presentation. East Lansing, Michigan. 10/8/14.
- Weigel, E., Mead, L., and McElhinny, T. (2014). Curriculum Interplay: What Putting Genetics Courses First Can Show Us About How Students Understand Evolution. Oral Presentation. 2nd Life Discovery – Doing Science Education Conference. San José State University. San José, California. 10/3-4/14.
- Weigel, E. (2014). Threespine Stickleback as a Model of Evolution. Brookwood High School AP Biology Program. Oral Presentation. Atlanta, Georgia. 9/24/14.
- Weigel, E., Mead, L., and McElhinny, T. (2014) Genetic Variation as a Pivotal Point in Genetics-to-Evolution Course Sequences. Oral Presentation. BEACON: An NSF Center for the Study of Evolution in Action Annual Congress. East Lansing, Michigan. 8/16-19/14.
- Weigel, E. and Boughman, J.W. (2014) Short-term density exposure affects male reproductive success in threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus). Poster Presentation. BEACON: An NSF Center for the Study of Evolution in Action Annual Congress. East Lansing, Michigan. 8/16-19/14.
- Weigel, E. and Boughman, J.W. (2014) Short-term density exposure affects male reproductive success in threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus). Poster Presentation. International Society for Behavioral Ecology. CUNY Animal Behavior Institute, Hunter College, City University of New York. New York, New York. 7/31-8/5/14.
- Weigel, E., Mead, L., and McElhinny, T. (2014) How and why can knowledge of concepts in genetics improve student understanding of concepts in evolution? Poster Presentation. Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research (SABER) National Meeting. University of Minnesota – Twin Cities, Minnesota. 7/17-20/14.
- Weigel, E. and Boughman, J.W. (2014) Short-term density exposure affects male reproductive success in threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus). Oral Presentation. Evolution 2014. Raleigh Convention Center. Raleigh, North Carolina. 6/20-24/14.
- Tillotson, M.*, Foster, S.*, Mobley, R., Weigel, E., and Boughman, J.W. (2014). Testing the effect of reproductive state on olfaction in threespine stickleback. Poster Presentation. University Undergraduate Research and Arts Forum. East Lansing, Michigan. 4/4/14.
- Rienne, G.*, Weigel, E., and Boughman, J.W. (2014). Seasonal patterns of male stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) courtship and nesting activity. Poster Presentation. University Undergraduate Research and Arts Forum. East Lansing, Michigan 4/4/14. ***Best Poster Presentation Winner***
- Foster, S.*, Weigel, E., and Boughman, J.W. (2014). Is bigger really better?: Nest size doesn’t influence female mate choice in threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus). Poster Presentation. University Undergraduate Research and Arts Forum. East Lansing, Michigan. 4/4/14.
- Weigel, E. (2014). Temporal Patterns in Sexual Selection in Threespine Stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus). Oral Presentation. EDGE (Enthusiasts of Diversity, Genetics, and Evolution) Seminar. University of Georgia. Athens, Georgia. 3/7/14.
- Weigel, E. (2014). Traveling Through Time and Space: The CIRTL-Exchange Journey. Oral Presentation. NSF Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching, and Learning (CIRTL) Network Leaders Meeting. University of Georgia. Athens, Georgia. 3/7/14.
- Weigel, E. (2014). How and why can knowledge of concepts in genetics improve student understanding of evolution? Oral Presentation. Biology Education Research Group Seminar. University of Georgia. Athens, Georgia. 3/5/14.
- Cipolla, E.*, Weigel, E., and Boughman, J.W. (2014). Differences observed in nesting and mating behavior in high and low density treatments of male stickleback fish. Poster Presentation. Midwest Ecology and Evolution Conference (MEEC). University of Dayton. Dayton, Ohio. 3/1-2/14.
- Foster, S.*, Weigel, E., and Boughman, J.W. (2014). Is bigger really better?: Nest size doesn’t influence female mate choice in Threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus). Poster Presentation. Midwest Ecology and Evolution Conference (MEEC). University of Dayton. Dayton, Ohio. 3/1-2/14.
- Weigel, E. and Boughman, J.W. (2014) “Low” and Behold: Short‐term exposure to low-density conditions is enough to positively influence male reproductive success in Threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus). Oral Presentation. Midwest Ecology and Evolution Conference (MEEC), University of Dayton. Dayton, Ohio. 3/1-2/14.
- Rienne, G.*, Weigel, E., and Boughman, J.W. (2014). Seasonal Patterns of Male Stickleback (Gasterosteus spp.) Courtship and Nesting Activity. Poster Presentation. Midwest Ecology and Evolution Conference (MEEC). University of Dayton. Dayton, Ohio. 3/1-2/14.
- Weigel, E. (2014) Studying Threespine Sticklebacks. Journalism (JRNL) 472/872-Science and Health Writing, MSU. Oral Presentation. East Lansing, Michigan. 1/26/14.
- Rienne, G.*, Weigel, E., and Boughman, J.W. (2013). Seasonal Patterns of Male Stickleback (Gasterosteus spp.) Courtship and Nesting Activity. Poster Presentation. BEACON: An NSF Center for the Study of Evolution in Action Annual Review. East Lansing, Michigan. 12/10/13.
- Cipolla, E.*, Weigel, E., and Boughman, J.W. (2013). Differences observed in nesting and mating behavior in high and low density treatments of male stickleback fish. Poster Presentation. BEACON: An NSF Center for the Study of Evolution in Action Annual Review. East Lansing, Michigan. 12/10/13.
- Weigel, E. (2013) What is BEACON? Exhibit Presentation. National Association of Biology Teachers 75th Annual Meeting. Atlanta, Georgia. 11/21-22/13.
- Weigel, E. (2013) Genetics and Evolution in Natural Populations. Oral Presentation. FW101: Introduction to Fisheries and Wildlife, MSU. East Lansing, Michigan. 11/5/13.
- Weigel, E. (2013). Natural and Sexual Selection in the Threespine Stickleback. Oral Presentation. Brookwood High School AP Biology Program. Atlanta, Georgia. 10/24/13.
- Weigel, E., Cipolla, E.*, Reh-Gingerich, A.*, and Boughman, J.W. (2013) Density impacts nest timing, not weight, in a stickleback fish. Poster Presentation. BEACON Day @ North Carolina A&T State University. Greensboro, North Carolina. 10/2-3/13.
- Weigel, E., Mead, L., and McElhinny, T. (2013) The Disorder of Order: How Genetics Knowledge Impacts Student Understanding of Evolution. Oral Presentation. CIRTL Teaching-As-Research (TAR) Graduate Webinar Series. Online. 9/18/13.
- Weigel, E., Cipolla, E.*, and Boughman, J.W. (2013) The effects of a density shift on nesting and mating behavior in a species of stickleback fish. Poster Presentation. Michigan Alliances for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP)-King-Chavez-Parks Future Faculty Fellows (KCP-FFF) Fall Conference. East Lansing, Michigan. 9/6/13.
- Weigel, E., Mead, L., and McElhinny, T. (2013) The disorder of order: How genetics knowledge impacts student understanding of evolution. Oral Presentation. BEACON: An NSF Center for the Study of Evolution in Action Annual Congress. East Lansing, Michigan. 8/14/13.
- Weigel, E., Cipolla, E.*, Reh-Gingerich, A.*, and Boughman, J.W. (2013) The effects of a density shift on nesting and mating behavior in a species of stickleback fish. Poster Presentation. BEACON: An NSF Center for the Study of Evolution in Action Annual Congress. East Lansing, Michigan. 8/14/13.
- Tinghitella, R. M., Weigel, E., Head, M., and Boughman, J.W. (2013) Flexible mate choice when mates are rare and time is short. Oral Presentation. 50th Annual Conference of the Animal Behavior Society. Boulder, Colorado. 7/28-8/1/13.
- Cipolla, E.*, Weigel, E., and Boughman, J.W. (2013) The effects of a density shift on nesting and mating behavior in a species of stickleback fish. Poster Presentation. Mid-Michigan Symposium for Undergraduate Research Experiences (Mid-SURE). East Lansing, Michigan. 7/24/13.
- Weigel, E. (2013). How and why can knowledge of concepts in genetics improve student understanding of evolution? Oral Presentation. MSU FAST Fellows Symposium. East Lansing, Michigan. 4/30/13.
- Weigel, E. (2013). How and why can knowledge of concepts in genetics improve student understanding of evolution? Oral Presentation. Symposium on Teaching, Learning and Graduate Education at MSU: A Joint Endeavor of FAST, IIT, and RCAH Fellows. East Lansing, Michigan. 4/19/13.
- Weigel, E. (2013). Genetically Hardwired: How and why can knowledge of concepts in genetics improve student understanding of concepts in evolution? Oral Presentation. NSF Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching, and Learning (CIRTL) Online Teaching-as-Research Conference. 4/16/13.
- Reh-Gingerich, A.*, Weigel, E., and Boughman, J.W. (2013). Male Courtship Activity Fluctuates Across the Season. Poster Presentation. University Undergraduate Research and Arts Forum. East Lansing, Michigan. 4/12/13.
- Reh-Gingerich, A.* and Weigel, E. (2013). Male Courtship Activity Fluctuates Across the Season. Poster Presentation. Midwest Ecology and Evolution Conference (MEEC). University of Notre Dame. South Bend, Indiana. 3/22-24/13. ***Best Undergraduate Poster Winner***
- Weigel, E., Tinghitella, R. M., and Boughman, J.W. (2013). Play the odds: Mate availability, not timing, impacts female reproductive investment. Oral Presentation. Midwest Ecology and Evolution Conference (MEEC). University of Notre Dame. South Bend, Indiana. 3/22-24/13.
- Weigel, E. (2013). Fishing for a Mate: Threespine Stickleback Mating Across the Season. Oral Presentation. Alliances for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP) Meeting. East Lansing, Michigan. 3/14/13.
- Weigel, E. (2013). Temporal Impacts of Sexual Selection in Threespine Stickleback. Oral Presentation. Ecology, Evolutionary Biology, and Behavior (EEBB) Program Colloquium 3/13/13.
- Weigel, E. and Reh-Gingerich, A.* (2012). Male Courtship Activity Fluctuates Across the Season. Poster Presentation. BEACON: An NSF Center for the Study of Evolution in Action Annual Review. East Lansing, Michigan. 12/11/12.
- Weigel, E. (2012). Exponential and Logistic Population Growth, Oral Presentation. BS162: Introduction to Organisms and Populations, MSU. 11/19/12.
- Weigel, E. (2012). Sex and Sexual Selection. Oral Presentation. BEACON Graduate Course (MSU and University of Washington), ZOL 890-601: Evolutionary Biology for Non-Life Scientists, MSU and U Idaho. 10/25/12.
- Weigel, E. (2012). Sexual Signaling Loss in Empirical, Theoretical, and Digital Systems. Poster Presentation. Cyber Infrastructure Days. East Lansing, Michigan. 10/25-26/12.
- Weigel, E. (2012). Sexual Signaling Loss in Empirical, Theoretical, and Digital Systems. Poster Presentation. NSF Science and Technology Center Annual Meeting. Arlington, Virginia. 8/28-29/12.
- Tinghitella, R. M., Weigel, E., and Boughman, J.W. (2012). Flexible mate choice in response to intrinsic and social cues: Effects of mate availability and time of season. Oral Presentation. Seventh International Conference on Stickleback Behavior and Evolution. Seattle, Washington. 7/29/12-8/4/12.
- Weigel, E., Tinghitella, R. M., and Boughman, J.W. (2012). Temporal fluctuations in clutch timing as a mechanism for sexual signaling loss. Poster Presentation. BEACON: An NSF Center for the Study of Evolution in Action Annual Congress. East Lansing, Michigan. 7/17/2012.
- Tinghitella, R. M., Weigel, E., and Boughman, J.W. (2012). Flexible mate choice in response to extrinsic and intrinsic cues: Effects of mate availability and aging. Oral Presentation. First Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. 7/6-10/12.
- Weigel, E., Tinghitella, R. M., and Boughman, J.W. (2012). Mate availability influences timing and number of clutches in sticklebacks. Poster Presentation. First Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. 7/6-10/12.
- Weigel, E. and Tinghitella, R. M. (2012). Mate availability and hybridization in the threespine stickleback. Poster Presentation. Council of Graduate Students Graduate Academic Conference. East Lansing, Michigan. 3/30/12. ***Best Poster Presentation Winner***
- Weigel, E. and Tinghitella, R. M. (2012). Mate availability and hybridization in the threespine stickleback. Poster Presentation. Midwest Ecology and Evolution Conference (MEEC). Cincinnati, Ohio 3/24/12.
- Weigel, E. and Tinghitella, R. M. (2011). Mate availability and hybridization in the threespine stickleback. Poster Presentation. BEACON: An NSF Center for the Study of Evolution in Action Annual Review. East Lansing, Michigan. 12/7/11.
- Weigel, E. and Tinghitella, R. M. (2011). Mate availability and hybridization in the threespine stickleback. Poster Presentation. BEACON: An NSF Center for the Study of Evolution in Action Annual Congress. East Lansing, Michigan. 8/10/11.
- Lucek, K., Rowe, H., and Weigel, E. (2011). An analytically tractable model for competitive speciation. Oral Presentation. FroSpects Winter School for Eco-evolutionary Modeling of Speciation. Abisko, Sweden. 3/11/11.
- Weigel, E. (2011). Sexual signaling loss. Oral Presentation. FroSpects Winter School for Eco-evolutionary Modeling of Speciation. Abisko, Sweden. 3/7/11.
- Weigel, E. and Schenkl, B. (2010). Balancing roles: Working as a research and study liaison to Germany while pursuing an undergraduate degree. Oral Presentation. DAAD North America Young Ambassador Conference. New York, New York. 8/20/10.
- Weigel, E. (2010). The importance of international experience in undergraduate research. Oral Presentation. DAAD North American Young Ambassador Conference. New York, New York. 8/20/10.
- Weigel, E. (2010). Behavioral Observations of Male Cotton-top Tamarins (Saguinus oedipus). Undergraduate Research Symposium. Poster Presentation. Atlanta, Georgia. 3/16/10.
- Zielke, H., Adamzyk, C., Rehage, R., Weigel, E., Spira, D., Preuss, T.G., Schmidt,B., Feiler, U., Seiler, T.-B., and Hollert, H. (2009). Effects of ageing on bioavailability and uptake of pollutants from spiked sediments. Poster Presentation. SETAC-GLB. Munich, Germany. 10/5-7/09.
- Weigel, E. (2009). What is The Tower? How to submit, work for, and find The Tower across campus. Oral Presentation. Undergraduate Research Kaleidoscope. Atlanta, Georgia. 9/9/09.
- Weigel, E. (2009). Behavioral Observations of Male Cotton-top Tamarins (Saguinus oedipus): Role of Males in Cooperative Breeding. Oral Presentation. Tierpark Hellabrunn-Technical University of Munich: Zoo Behavioral Study Cooperation End-of-Year Review. Munich, Germany. 7/23/09.
- Weigel, E. (2008). Behavior of Cotton-top Tamarins (Saguinus oedipus) in Zoos. Oral Presentation Tierpark Hellabrunn-Technical University of Munich: Zoo Behavioral Study Cooperation Fall Preview. Munich, Germany. 12/17/08.
- Weigel, E. (2008). Rotifer Ecotoxicology: Behavioral Avoidance of Toxicants. Poster Presentation. Honors Program Student Expo. Atlanta, Georgia. 4/24/08.
- Weigel, E. (2008). Honor Rolls: The Honors Program Bike Initiative. Poster Presentation. Honors Program Student Expo. Atlanta, Georgia. 4/24/08.
- Weigel, E. (2008). Rotifer Ecotoxicology: Behavioral Avoidance of Toxicants. Poster Presentation. Undergraduate Research Symposium. Atlanta, Georgia. 4/3/08.